Study Tips for Students

If you want to do well in school and pass crucial exams, you must study. Even though we all understand how important studying is, it can occasionally be challenging to implement efficient study techniques. Students and test-takers across the board struggle with this issue. We are here to share some helpful study suggestions with you as test preparation experts so you may build a solid foundation for performing well on your examinations.

  1. Study for short periods of time :

One of the most common misunderstandings is that you need to study for long periods of time in order to cover a lot of things. Your brain’s capacity to remember information is actually hampered by this. For your brain to be able to retain a higher percentage of the material delivered, it is advisable to divide your studying into short, 20–30 minute sessions.

  1. Maintain a daily study schedule :

Start planning particular study times over the week to assist your brain get ready to remember the knowledge. Your brain will become more sensitive to new information during these study times if you have a regular study plan since it will notice the pattern. Research revealed that if a student recalls what they learned from that day, they are 60% more likely to remember the information, hence it is beneficial to study within 24 hours of learning new material.

Another recommended time slot for studying would be right before you go to sleep. While you’re sleeping, your brain is working to strengthen and retain new memories. Because of this, if you study just before sleep, your brain will readily retain new information.

  1. Make a basic schedule for the week :

Planning by note:

Even when it’s impossible to follow to a schedule minute by minute, making one is still beneficial. Based on your frequent responsibilities, such as school, extracurricular activities, family and social gatherings, and religious activities, create a basic weekly schedule.

Then schedule consistent study and homework time each week.

As an illustration, your general weekly itinerary might indicate that you’ll work on:

6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

5 pm to 8 pm on Tuesday and Thursday.

2 to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday

  1. Create good posture :
  • Your mood will increase as well as your ability to learn and remember things.
  • Check out this comprehensive article for further advice on posture improvement.
  • You’ll do better in school if you sit up straight, bring your shoulders back, and lift your chin.

5 . Breakdown of large tasks into smaller ones :

Many students put off difficult or intimidating activities because they are strongly impacted.

Every major task should be divided into smaller ones. You may, for example, divide the task into the following smaller tasks rather than deciding to focus on your history paper:

  • Examine 3 Chapters (notes)
  • Examine 3 Chapters (textbook)
  • research online (5 -10 articles)
  • Construct a thesis statement.
  • Make an outline out of it.
  • Make an introduction. Write the first paragraph.
  • Second, third, and fourth main sentences should be written.
  • Submit main body paragraph.
  • write a summary
  1. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night :

Effective learners are the students who perform well. Sleep is essential to learning effectively, as evidenced by research. Sleep improves learning and memory. As a result, set a regular bedtime and prioritize getting 8 hours of sleep each night.

If you do this, I’m sure you’ll see an improvement in your academic performance.

Pulling all-nighters definitely isn’t how to do better in school. It might enable you to get some last-minute work done.

  1. Create a conducive studying environment :
  • Make sure you have all the notebooks, stationery, etc. that you require.
  • Make sure the room has adequate lighting
  • If required, use earplugs to block out noise.
  • Post one or two inspiring sayings in your study area.
  • Obtain a comfortable chair.
  • Clear the area of all disturbance
  • Once read and recall what you learn
  1. Write down important points during the class :

I’m always surprised by the number of students who tell me they don’t take notes in class. This is despite the fact that taking notes is critical to academic success.

Taking notes in class is important because it helps you pay attention and learn the concepts better by doing this we can easily score good marks.

 To score higher marks in your exam, take important notes in your classes so you can use them to study. And also, try to study for at least 30 minutes every day leading up to your exams so you understand & memorize the subject. Avoid cramming for your test the night before or you could overload your brain and forget everything.

  1. Ask a few questions :

In order to stay engaged, ask your friends and teachers questions about what you’re learning. It also ensures that you comprehend the new information.

Don’t be afraid to ask pointless questions. Furthermore, if you pay attention in class, your questions will almost certainly be reasonable and insightful.

  1. Manage your thoughts and emotions :
  • Students who lose focus or motivation are often discouraged. They are frequently discouraged because they believe they will fail academically, and as a result, they lose hope.
  • By effectively managing your thoughts and emotions, especially when faced with disappointment.

Take a step back and ask yourself the following questions to accomplish this:

  • Are these thoughts accurate?
  • Are these ideas beneficial?
  • Is it possible that I’m taking things too personally?
  • How can I change my perspective on the situation?
  • Is it necessary for me to forgive the other person?
  • Is it necessary for me to forgive myself?
  • How can I be more gentle with myself?
  • What useful steps can I take to improve the situation?

By responding to these questions, you’ll adopt a more positive and resilient mindset.

  1. Spend a few minutes preparing for each class :

There is a beautiful quote by Mr. Jackson Brown “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today “

  • Every student should spend time preparing for class.
  • Consider the classes you’ll have the following day at school every night.
  • Take a few minutes to skim the textbook or notes so you know what your teacher will cover the following day.
  • In addition, review the previous topic quickly because the new topic will most likely build on what you’ve already learned.
  • This procedure will not take long, but it will be beneficial in the long run.
  1. Control your stress :

Students who do not effectively manage their stress are more likely to experience performance anxiety and receive lower grades.

To reduce your stress, do the following:

  1. Deep breathing exercises should be done.
  2. Play some music
  3. Spend regular time with your friends.
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Reading a book
  1. Do your homework and move it in on time :

This may seem obvious, but many of the students I work with do not follow this advice. Make it a non-negotiable to turn in your homework on time and to put forth your best effort on each assignment. This is the foundation for becoming a good student.

  1. Consume nutritious foods :

According to research, the better your nutrition, the better your brain function, and the better your brain function, the better your academic performance.

Here are some general guidelines for eating more healthfully:

  • Consume vegetables and fruits.
  • Consume meat and fish.
  • Consume eggs
  • Consume nuts
  • Avoid eating processed foods.
  • Sugar should be avoided.
  • Tran’s fats should be avoided.
  • Avoid using artificial sweeteners.

15 . Regular exercise is essential :

Regular exercise improves your memory, improves your concentration, and makes you more creative. This is in addition to the other health benefits of physical activity.

What does this mean for students who want to achieve academic success?

Make exercise a regular part of your weekly schedule. Exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes three to four times per week.

  1. Try something new :

Going a step further, don’t just complete the assigned homework.

Experiment with additional questions that require deep thought. Seek out online resources. Learn things that aren’t on the syllabus. This will assist you in seeing the wonder and beauty in everything you’re learning. You’ll also be reminded that getting better is a reward in and of itself.

  1. Make time to relax :
  • It is not enough to get good grades and outperform your classmates in school. It is about living a balanced life that is focused on helping others.
  • Setting aside time for relaxation is essential for living a balanced life.
  • Make time for relaxation in your weekly schedule to avoid becoming exhausted.
  1. Make use of memory techniques :

Memory techniques are effective methods for learning information more quickly.

Here are a few of the most useful ones for you:

  • Acronyms
  • Visualization
  • Chunking
  • Association
  1. Regularly assess yourself :

Don’t assume you understand the material well just because you’ve read the notes and looked through some examples. You could have been daydreaming during those study sessions, for all you know.

What else can you do to be a good student if reading your notes does not guarantee better grades?

Periodically assess yourself. Do a lot of practice questions and keep a list of your mistakes so you don’t make them again on the exam.

  1. Take practice exams in exam situations :
  • It is unsuitable to conduct too many practice exams under exam conditions due to limited time.
  • However, I recommend that you take at least two to three practice exams under exam conditions before each exam.

This will help you prepare adequately and will also train you to deal with the exam’s time constraints.

Part – 2